The Rebrand & Expansion
Bordelon Marine is a leading offshore and subsea support provider that operates in the Gulf of Mexico and internationally while offering a wide variety of services to numerous fields through their nine vessels.
Born out of the bayou and surrounding shipyard areas in Lockport and Houma, LA, Bordelon Marine has grown exponentially over the past 40+ years in their abilities and presence, therefore, elevating themselves to lead cheerleader popularity status in their industry. In that time, they established a personality consisting of equal parts “mom and pop business” and industrial corporation. The only thing left was to have their brand reflect the modernized company. Here is where the rebrand comes in. The rebrand shows a simple, clean, and corporate design. The layout is standard and organized to make for easy navigation, which caters to the desired target market. Through the elements of a clean design, lies a new and improved look of Bordelon Marine.

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